Friday, September 07, 2007
accounts closing time! i think it has been a few days overdue and i havent finished my closing. yvonne took leave today and i was feeling very moody, yesterday and today so i didnt have the mood to work.
recently at work i have been lunching with the sales department people. they changed the company's caterer due to hygiene purposes and we have been ordering from outside after we tasted the unedible food on monday for the very first time. although there were cases of roaches in the food on 2 occasion from the previous caterer, the food tasted 100 times better then what we have now. so on tuesday KK (the sales exec.) went around asking some people if they wanted to order from Botak Jones, the food came at 1pm instead of the arranged time at 1230 cos the rider accidently dropped a box and the food spilled out. i had a cajun chicken and it was pretty good, except for the soggy fries and the very few chilli packets they gave us so i had to use ketchup instead. on wednesday we ordered from a caterer somewhere nearby. we all had wanton mee and it didnt taste as good as i expected it to be. KK said that my expectations too high and i only have the right to complain if i can cook better than that. haha.
everytime i lunch with the sales dept people, the only people i talk to are KK and jason. the others all have common topics to talk about and they speak mostly chinese, plus the fact that i'm the only one from finance among them, so i dont really fit in, but if there's a chance to not eat canteen food i'm in. haha. thursday i was a little moody so i asked duncan to come out for a drink instead of eating lunch. we went to the usual sofa spot to chit chat when some customers came into the show room, so we had to leave cos one of the big bosses were showing them around and it wasnt polite if we sat there. so we went out to the sofas that was a waiting area for customers and sat there. KK called me cos he bought me a can of milo cos he knew i wasnt having lunch and when he saw us sitting at the "customer" sofa he brought us to another place to sit, cos appartenly, we wernt allowed to sit there. haha. so 3 of us sat outside to chit chat, and then jason came along so i asked him to join us. the only thing i look forward every day at work is lunch time.
i think people in the company must be wondering why i only hang out with the guys, but i feel that there are too much politics in the company and the ladies are all too bitchy for me to handle. i found out from KK that there were a few people who wernt happy with something i did, and it was such a minor thing but they made a big fuss out of it. i've come to learn how i shouldnt bother about what other people say about me although i am quite a selfconscious person. it is a good thing that i have KK as a friend cos he really taught me alot on how to survive in this company. he said that every company has their politics, but in our company, there's more politics than usual cos most of the staff have worked there for a very long time and the only entertainment they get is to gossip, make enemies and allies. if a person just slips and fall, he or she can become the topic for the day, or even drag on for 2 days... these people are just so sad.
my apetite hasnt been so good yesterday and today. i didnt eat lunch and dinner yesterday. no lunch but i had a can of soya bean drink, no dinner cos i didnt feel like eating although i could have gone out to buy my dinner, i ended up sleeping earlier too. didnt have much breakfast today but only a bit of the eggs from the macs big breakfast that KK bought me, and he threw away the rest even when i said i would eat it later on. had only about 5 nacho chips for lunch and a few strands of noodles from the beef noodles i had for dinner. i think i wated alot of food today. i feel guilty, but some people cannot stand to see me not eat so they must buy something and make themselves feel better when i put something into my mouth, even though they can expect that i would throw away more than 90% of it.
not eating well has made me tired and weaker... time for my beauty sleep.
spread my wings at[10:06 PM]
future accountant
(2)hanging out with me ladies!
(6)going on holidays
Music playing
Gravity *by John Mayer
*get a driving license
*save enough money for my holiday to melby next june
*get a good digi-cam
*a small but big enough pretty handbag
*stay 19 forever
*March 2005
*April 2005
*June 2005
*July 2005
*August 2005
*September 2005
*October 2005
*November 2005
*December 2005
*August 2006
*September 2006
*November 2006
*March 2007
*April 2007
*May 2007
*June 2007
*July 2007
*August 2007
*September 2007
*October 2007
*November 2007
*February 2008
*September 2008
*October 2008
*March 2009
a pRinCesS's sToRy
Those who wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength.
As you travel life's weary road,
let JESUS lift your heavy load.